Follow Up: The 3000 Thing Challenge
Monday, May 2, 2016 by {darlene}

Over the last year, I decided that I had been spending WAY to much time tending to my STUFF. I was so tired of spending more time taking care of my stuff than connecting with my HUMANS. It was time for a BIG change!

So, I made several decisions over the past year to stop serving my stuff, so that I have more time for my family and for my personal pursuits. One of the main things, of course, that I had to do was pare down! I went on a Binge-Cleaning Challenge, with my 3000 Thing Challenge kicking off in January.

3000ThingChallenge-follow up-fieldstonehill

So here is the follow up: how did this challenge work out for me?

First thing you should know: I did not hit 3,000 Things. I was closer to 2,000.

Second thing you should know: I cleaned more stuff out of my house than in any other clean-out I have ever done. #WIN

Friends, this challenge worked better than any other cleaning frenzy I had ever set my mind to. And the secret was in the “nearly impossible number” of 3000 Things. Somehow, trying to reach the number of 3000 made me just a touch more RUTHLESS when tossing things or passing them on. And, friends, I needed a good dose of “ruthless.”

One tip: If you choose to do a challenge like this within a month’s time, think of 3000 as being a “challenge,” NOT a “must.” If you feel like a failure for not hitting 3,000, you are not giving credit to the fact that you just rid your home of 1,473 things!

That said, I am reading a GREAT book right now, and it is speaking to me right in this place of Simplifying and Cleaning my Slate. The words are refreshing, and it can be read in bits and pieces. I like to read it with my morning caffeine, and then put it down once I feel my motivation bubbling up… then I take advantage of my caffeine and run to clean out a drawer or something! All the while counting, 1, 722… 1,723…. 1,724. And if I only throw out 5 things, I call it a win. Because those were 5 things that took up my time and my space and now I am free from them!

That is what the 3,000 Thing Challenge has been all about.

because…. THIS:

Clutter wants to take over and make you feel powerless

(killer fantastic quote from the aforementioned awesome book I am reading^^^^)

Preach it girl. DONT let your stuff control you. Yes, it takes time to undo years of piling and ignoring, but stop letting your stuff control you. You are in charge around here. You can stop serving STUFF and make room for serving your family, your dreams, your hobbies… and feel the space to breathe.

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I am happily joining in with these uber talented bloggers (linking to them below) in spreading the word about our brilliant friend, Melissa Michaels, and her latest book. Friends, this girl is ALL SORTS of talented. If you don’t read her blog yet, The Inspired Room, you simply must. And get her book. Because it is really, really good. Your 3,000 Things will thank you.

Eleven Gables / Craftberry Bush / At the Picket Fence / Julie Blanner / Beneath My Heart / Thrifty Decor Chick / Emily A. Clark / Reluctant Entertainer / My Sweet Savannah / Domestic Fashionista / At Home In Love / 320 Sycamore / Sunny Side Up / Happy Happy Nester / The White Buffalo Styling Co / Sweet and Simple Home / Finding Home Farms / In My Own Style / Fox Hollow Cottage / The House of Silver Lining / Infarrantly Creative / Fieldstone Hill Design / Shabby Nest / Today’s Creative Life / Sarah M. Dorsey Designs / Just A Girl / Southern Hospitality

Make Room For What You Love - A Blogger Tour of Inspiring Ideas to Simplify Your Home and Life - New book by NYT Bestselling Author of Love the Home You Have and The Inspired Room











This blog post is generously sponsored by my YL. My Young Living essential oils are also my business, and the oils are so well loved that they sponsor my blog!!! Thank you, friends!  Enroll by clicking here.

I am SUPER excited about the new Premium Starter Kit. You are going to LOVE it… unless you hate things that smell heavenly and make you smile. #spaliving #livewithbeauty #wellness #MyHouseSmellsLikeASpa

Questions? Head here:

Why Everyone is into Essential Oils, and are they for me? A NO NONSENSE guide to answer your questions. via @fieldstonehill www.fieldstonehilldesign/young-living



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