ditto :: a vibrant, colorful living room
Monday, October 3, 2011 by {darlene}

October is my favorite time of year. Up here in the North East, the weather becomes crisp, the breezes cool, the leaves stunning, the mums brilliant, the corn stalks yellow, the sky bluer, the sun lower, the harvest ready, and apples and pumpkins dot the landscape. It is as good as it sounds. It is vibrant… and alive!

Today’s ditto reminds me of this time of year because of it’s vibrancy and life. It is so ditto-worthy! Be sure to weigh in with what you would ditto from this space.

{room by Tobi Fairley}


  1. guts. What makes this room so alive and vibrant are the gutsy choices that are made with the color mixing, the pattern mixing, and the bold statements {such as the art, the bold black table, and the orange and green stool}. There is enough repetition in the varied color scheme to keep the space grounded, but there are certainly a lot of “chances taken” in this room. The risks pay off beautifully.
  2. bold art that sits snugly. One of my favorite, most ditto-worthy, features in this room is the stunning display of artwork behind the navy sofa. Each piece of art is colorful, with a strong subject, and a color scheme that ties into some element of the space. But, what really makes this collection bold and eye-catching are the shiny, thick frames which have power-in-numbers as they are displayed butting right up next to each other. By hanging these pieces with no wall space, or breathing room, in between, it turns six works of art into one solid, bold, and powerful piece that adds amazing drama to the space.
  3. a rug with a small but mighty graphic print. I just love the rug that is used in this room. The pattern is bold, but because the lines are thin {as opposed to thick striping or boxes}, this bold pattern compliments the space with just a touch of contrast. If the pattern were any stronger, it could have easily overpowered the space. This is a gorgeous example of calculated balance of contrasting pattern. I adore it!
  4. orange painted legs. Aren’t they lovely? Have you thought about painting a piece of furniture, especially one with traditional lines and legs, in a glossy and lively orange?? I am certainly thinking about it!
  5. orange gourd lamps with navy-trimmed lamp shades. I love these lamps. I think they could be easily reproduced for a song if you were willing to do some simple DIY work on some lovely, orange, found lamps.
  6. a lively, matching pattern on the upholstery and the drapery. Isn’t this fantastic? Gutsy, but fantastic! A stunning black and white print gets amazing mileage in just two locations: the drapes and the chairs. Not overdone, but certainly not wimpy! And I love how this black and white fabric, with all of its energy and busyness, is calmed and balanced by the orderly black and white rug pattern.
  7. paint your furniture navy. I have been dreaming of painting these chairs in a navy gloss recently. I think that I shall! So, I was excited to see the traditional dresser that Tobi revamped by painting it in rich navy and using it as a side table.
  8. side tables that are completely different in form, but create symmetry with their height. A round table, draped in a soft-wasabi fabric is completely different in form from its couch partner, the formal, navy dresser. But, with their identical heights and topping them with gorgeous, matching lamps, they create a symmetry that grounds this room.
  9. a gorgeous blend of high-gloss glamour and farmhouse simplicity. You know that sells it for me!! Traditional, airy furnishings with a simple layout meets glossy orange legs and lamps, powerful artwork, and stunning color. Love!



Thank you so much, you sweet things, for your comments on my latest design board! I love hearing your thoughts,and I can’t wait to hear what you have up your sleeves this week!

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Labeled: ditto, high-gloss glamour


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