before and after :: In-Home Consultations {+a new service}
Wednesday, March 6, 2013 by {darlene}

I recently had an In-Home Consultation with a local client, and it was such a blast. In just a few hours, we poured through countless design questions for her home and tackled a slew of design challenges with practical AND beautiful solutions.

Just the other day, she sent me before and after pics of one of our favorite transformations: her living room sofa.

My client saw her sofa as the sore-spot in her living room. But, with one small toddler and another on the way, it did not make sense to replace the sofa right now. So she was hoping that we could work around it:


skype in-home consultation So instead, we transformed it!!:


 In-Home Consultation

This is just one glimpse of all the fun changes that we made in her home.

In this corner of her home, we changed:

  • The sofa, by recovering the back pillows in gorgeous fabrics {Hicks’ La Fiorentina in wine, and hand-crafted Navy “flag” pillow covers}
  • The sofa, by adding a lumbar pillow to balance {in color and size} the large back pillows
  • The rug, by adding a larger rug, with a fresh, modern, subtle pattern and a soft gray tone
  • The coffee table, by sawing the edges to make them straight {for a crisper, updated look}, and painting it in a deep navy gloss.
  • The coffee table, by sawing down the legs a bit to make the height more comfortable for foot lounging.
  • The coffee table, by adding brass hardware to the drawer, and turning the table around so the drawer can be seen.
  • The bare wall, by adding dramatic, moody, colorful artwork and flanking the art with matching brass sconces.

These small changes made obvious impact!:

In-Home Consultation

I am thrilled with the results of this entire consultation. My client came to me with not only a willingness to take my suggestions, but also to get busy and make them happen! I appreciated that so much, and I really see that it has paid off in her lovely home!

I love giving in-home consultations. I love brainstorming with my clients and helping them come up with beautiful, practical, livable solutions for their homes. And if they are willing to do the follow-through to make their dreams come true, an in-home consultation can prove to be a super affordable way to completely transform your home …. with the help of fresh ideas from a designer!

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I really do love these In-Home Consults; it is so much fun to brainstorm with home owners to help them find decorating solutions. Of course, I had to find a way to do In-Home consults with all of you… across the country and {so excited!!} around the world!

So, I am excited to announce my latest eDesign Consultation:

The Skype In-Home Consultation { <- click on this link to read all the details about my latest eDesign consultation}

Skype Consultation eDesign

For more details about this eDesign Consultation, and my other Consultations, head over to my Design Services Page.

I hope we will get some face time together – making your home more beautiful!

So, what do you think of this simple sofa transformation? Do tell!!

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HAVE YOU GUYS SEEN???? Fieldstone Hill’s Interior Designs are going to be in a BOOOKKKKK {I am not excited.}!!!!

I hope you will preorder your copy TODAY!!!!
You guys are the BEST!

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Follow Fieldstone Hill on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook! Can’t wait to see you there.

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Shop original works of art from the Art Collection at Serena & Lily.

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This post is linked up to my awesome friend Beth of Home Stories A to Z, who hosts a fantastic Tips and Tutorials Link up.

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Labeled: before and after, client spaces


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