A fire. A flame. Your love. {How you can help and a free printable}
Monday, December 30, 2013 by {darlene}

A Fire.

Many of you know me because you first found me through my wonderful friend Edie.

Just before Christmas, three years ago, Edie lost her home and all of her belongings in a devastating house fire. After the devastation, I had the joy of  collaborating with Edie in rebuilding and redecorating her home, and filling it with beauty.

And of course, I thought of Edie’s journey immediately when I heard about my good friend Marion.

Just a few days ago, on Christmas Eve no less, her home suffered a devastating house fire that has left them without a home, without nearly all of their belongings, and with a long road ahead of rebuilding. Praise be to God, no one was harmed. Even their pets were saved… dog, cat, geese and chickens and all. {Their awesome neighbor lassoed !!!! the panicking dog to save him, and hand-tackled the geese to bring them to her home. Is that stinkin’ awesome or what?}

Here are some images taken that night as the firefighters selflessly battled this dangerous fire:

Fire York Daily Record 2 Fire York Daily Record Fire YDR Marion {images via}

And the Christmas Day aftermath. They believe a small spark from inside the chimney started the blaze, the spark originating from a regular fireplace fire they had enjoyed 24 hours earlier:

Fire 2

Marion has a precious family. Four boys! This was their dream home, an old homestead with running-space for boys filled with energy, and they had just moved in a few months ago. One of their immediate challenges, other than figuring out where they will live as they rebuild, is the fact that they homeschool, and all of their schoolbooks… as well as their “school house,” was destroyed.


A Flame.

Our family was able to stop by on Saturday with some necessities for their family, and there were a few things inside the house that struck me to the core.

The first was this scene:

Marion fire chair_edited-1 because it instantly reminded me of this:

turquoise chair

{image via Life In Grace, and this story}

Single chairs, left standing. Giving hope for the rebuilding.

And then there was this. Their Bible and Advent devotional, unburned but frozen in smoke-water:

bible in fire

There are fires that destroy. And then their are flames that give light. Marion’s family shines Light. They have lost a lot, but they had Hope before the fire, and they still have it after the fire. Their Hope is unchanging… and when the flames ravage, there is pain, but there is not utter destruction.

Hanging in the hallway of Edie’s home is a very special verse. It reminds her of the joy after coming through the flames with the help of the Lord. My husband and I were able to pray this verse with Marion’s family on Saturday, but this promise belongs to all of us whose Hope is in the Lord.

I crafted this printable for Marion, for me, for Edie, for all of us…

Fieldstone Hill Design Fire and Flame Printable

{save to your computer by right clicking on the image, then print on card stock at a 5 x7 setting}


Your Love:

Time and time again, I have seen bloggers and blog readers rally together to help others. Because Blogland is one of the most generous places on all the earth,

I want to ask for your help, dear one. Let’s bless Marion and her family!

My amazing friend Carey has a handcrafted, soy candle business, This Little Light of Mine, that also serves as a fundraiser opportunity. A whopping 40% of the candle sales go to helping various fundraisers. Her candles are now the only candles that I buy… they truly are delicious and pure. I keep extras on hand in my own home so that I am always prepared with a gracious, luxurious and affordable hostess gift for those last-minute invites. So, I reached out to her right away to see how WE ALL can help Marion’s family.

Won’t you consider purchasing a “Little Light” candle, or several, to help the Raub family? 40% of your purchase will go straight to the Raubs to help with immediate expenses.

Here are the details:

Go to OurLittleLightCandles.com and 40% of any and all ‘little light’ soy candle sales will be donated to the Raub family.  10% of all the other candle lines (‘just be’, ‘just unWINEd’, etc) will also be donated.  Please use code: HELPRAUB. 
Packages will be mailed the week of January 20th for those who choose shipping. If you are local friends of Marion, Carey or Darlene, please contact Darlene at fieldstonehill@gmail.com for details on how to pick up your candles.
Special pricing:  For anyone who purchases 5 candles you will receive a free 8oz little light.  Just list the scent you would like in the notes section. 

If you are having trouble deciding between all the awesome scents, here are my own favorites:


Some of my favorite Little Lights (40% donated): Carrot Cake, Coconut Lime Verbena, Peony, Baby Powder, Creamy Coconut, Golden Rose, and Eucalyptus Spearmint. CODE: HELPRAUB


My favorite Just Be candles (10% donated): Just Be Peaceful and Just Be Protected. CODE: HELPRAUB


As an alternative, another way to help the Raub’s is to give a monetary donation. You can do this by heading to this You Caring site to donate toward their family’s immediate needs.

Thank you for blessing someone you likely do not even know!

Thank you for being a Light in the World by helping the Raub Family!!!









From our family to yours: Our Christmas card! {and our baby announcements too}. Click on the image below to head over to Minted and order your New Year Cards!!

* * * * *

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