traditions :: dried grapefruits on the Tree; with a tutorial
Tuesday, December 14, 2010 by {darlene}
One of our Christmas Traditions: Hanging Dried Grapefruits from our Tree:
Each year, while we decorate our tree, we dry sliced grapefruits in a low temp oven. Then, they are hung on the tree using a simple package of ornament hangers.
You can’t imagine how the fruit looks like beautiful stained glass:

Our tree last year:

on the day that we dry the fruits,
Pine needles and warm grapefruit linger in the air:
And the Smell is Divine.

Dried Citrus Ornament Tutorial:
  1. Start with fresh, blemish free citrus fruits of your choice
  2. Slice fruits so that you have many round disks of fruit {see photo below}. Discard the ends of fruit that do not reveal full flesh {or toss them in your sparkling water glass}.
  3. Line cookie sheets with aluminum foil {the citrus can ruin your cookie sheets}.
  4. Place citrus rounds on the cookie sheets.
  5. In a low heat oven {approx 150 F. Ours will only go down to 170 F}, bake the citrus rounds for most of the day, and maybe even some the next day. Flip the fruit from time to time {every few hours} as you see the top side get dry. Fruit is finished when it is no longer moist to the touch.
  6. Hook metal ornament hooks into the top of the rind and hang on your tree.
  7. Fruits look beautiful positioned in front of your tree lights.
Imagine a small Williamburg-inspired citrus Christmas tree….
With Grapefruit, orange, lemon, and lime ornaments.
Complete with cranberry garland.
Good enough to eat!

for more “beautiful traditions” posts, click HERE.
for more “tutorial” posts, click HERE.
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Labeled: project, traditions


  • allenaim photography and design

    Oh my heavens…SOOOOO doing this next year! Always see oranges and lemons, never grapefruit, but I LOVE it! You are so beautifully creative!

  • Hi. It's nice to meet you. You have a lovely blog!
    Welcome to blogland. Your home is gorgeous!
    Merry Christmas!
    ~ Julie

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