YOUR style notebook :: the decorating box {out with the old}
Monday, October 14, 2013 by {darlene}

Today is going to be our first entry in Your Style Notebook. So, grab your gorgeous notebook, your lovely pen, and get ready to dive in with just a few questions to get us going! {For more on what Your Style Notebook is, check out the first post}

And I do hope you will join in for the entire series, as we work together to fine tune and/or identify your own personal style. Each week, we will work together – kind of like an online, interactive design session.

Our goal: Identify our personal style so that we can surround ourselves with things we LOVE {not just like}.

style notebook


Entry #1: Out with the Old

In order to make progress in identifying our personal style, we need to clear out some mental cobwebs that could be holding us back. Clear out some mental notions that we THINK are helping us with our decorating, but in fact, they are just keeping us boxed into so-so-ville, and blah-la-land.

May I propose that there is a culprit?

Remember that design quiz you took one day, many moons ago?? You know,

the one that told you that your style was American Country. Or Rustic. Or Shabby Chic. Or maybe Traditional? Or how about Beachy-traditional? What about Minimalist. Or Modern. Or Pottery Barn Style. Or Modern Traditional. Or Transitional? ….. Or my personal least-favorite: Eclectic.

You KNOW what I am talking about.

I call them THE DECORATING BOXES.  And I am here to propose that:

The Decorating Boxes are boxing us in!!! {<-Tweet this}


decorating box

Entry #1: Your Style Notebook

So, your first exercise for Your Style Notebook is:

1. write down “Out with the Old,” and beneath it:

2. write the words that you have always used, or sometimes used, to describe your style. Words that fit into a box. Words that are Specific Decorating Styles. *****Note:  I am not talking about general adjectives here. Instead, I am talking about Specific Decorating Styles with Names; the ones that magazines have given the world. They are the decorating boxes, and we are here to save the world from them!*****

3. Next, I want you to cross those words out! {you might want to do it so you can still read the word/s. So you can remember from whence you came!! Victory!}

There now. Free at last!

And just in case you are afraid you no longer have any guidance in your Decorating Life, never fear. We are going to get rid of our boxes and replace those words with ones that will give you direction…. not fences.

Goodbye, Eclectic!!!! And good RIDDANCE!


Our Community Style Notebook

Each week, we will join each other in community, as we share our thoughts. Here are some ways you can be a part of it all!

1. Tweet your Decorating Box words that you are saying goodbye to, and use the Hashtag #StyleNotebook

2. Share on Instagram, using the Hashtag. You can share an image of your notebook, of an actual box, one from your own home, or from a magazine, or a post, or whatever. No boxes here! #StyleNotebook

2. Head over to the Fieldstone Hill Design Facebook Page and leave a comment sharing the Decorating Box you are tossing in the trash.

3. Leave a comment on this post, with your Decorating Box Words!


Goodbye, Decorating Box!  We won’t miss you a bit!





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Take daily, bite-size steps toward living in a home you LOVE: Be sure to subscribe to FHD via email, bloglovin, your fave reader, and follow Fieldstone Hill on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook!

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I am into natural choices for my family, and this is the main way I avoided taking any medicines during pregnancy.

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Labeled: style notebook | 20 Comments
five faves :: bedroom inspiration
Friday, October 11, 2013 by {darlene}

Five Faves from Fieldstone Hill Design

Five Faves :: Bedroom Inspiration

 My Latest, Most Favorit-est:

bedroom inspiration {via So Haute}

bedroom inspiration

{via House Beautiful}

bedroom inspiration

{via Fieldstone Hill Design, ditto-worthy designer}

bedroom inspiration

{via Elle Decor}

bedroom inspiration

{via Inspiration Bedrooms}

 There are so many more I adore, truth be told. Hop on over to my Bedroom Inspiration Pinterest Board to see more gorgeous bedrooms.

I think it’s all of the creature comforts that draw me into these rooms.

Which one is your fave? Do tell!!

Such gorgeousness. So hard to pick. . .





PS Are you ready to start Your Style Notebook next week?????



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Minted personal stationery gifts

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Jump start your gift shopping at One Kings Lane. One for me…. one for you….

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Labeled: five faves | 6 Comments
our wedding {in pictures}
Wednesday, October 9, 2013 by {darlene}

Our wedding day was filled with Beauty and Love. It was one of my favorite things to ‘design’ and decorate.

But our marriage…

It is our Marriage that is filled with Beauty and Love and so, so much more. It is a Beauty I cannot explain. And I must say, that is not by my design… but by the hand of The Master Designer, on whom we rely.

Happy Anniversary, my love.

October 9th, 1999






















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Take daily, bite-size steps toward living in a home you LOVE: Be sure to subscribe to FHD via email, bloglovin, your fave reader, and follow Fieldstone Hill on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook!

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I am into natural choices for my family, and this is the main way I avoided taking any medicines during pregnancy.

{affiliate link: Subscribe to Better Homes and Gardens here}

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Labeled: about me, here at Fieldstone Hill | 14 Comments
YOUR style notebook :: a new series to help you decorate with what you LOVE
Tuesday, October 8, 2013 by {darlene}

I am so excited about my newest series, and I hope you will be too! And with good reason…. we are going to get to work TOGETHER on defining your own personal style!

style notebook


“Your Style Notebook” will be a series of posts filled with questions that will get you thinking about and narrowing down your own personal style LOVES.

It will help you discern the difference between what you just “like” and what you really “LOVE!”  The posts will be in question format, and you will think through the answers and record them in your own beautiful notebook.

The ultimate goal will be to understand what is is you love, and to allow that knowledge to slowly change our home environment and decor, and even our own wardrobes, into surroundings that we ADORE!


My goal is to post once a week, toward the beginning of the week. But as many of you know, I just had a baby {!!!}, and I don’t want to make a promise I can’t keep. So, once a week-ish, on a Monday or Tuesday {or Wednesday !!??}, join me as we work together to define your personal style. To be sure that you don’t miss any of the “Your Style Notebook” posts, sign up for free email updates, and keep your eyes peeled for posts that start out with the words: Your Style Notebook.

Join me in creating your own personal style notebook. Have regular decorating goodness delivered {free!} directly to your inbox.

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What next:

1. Get yourself a beautiful notebook! YOUR style notebook.

2. Keep your eyes peeled for posts called, “Your Style Notebook,” via bloglovinemail subscribing, or your favorite reader. As you join in, you will steadily start to discover your OWN personal style!

3. Our first post/ set-of-style-questions will be next week {I want to give you time to get a pretty notebook and writing utensil!}, so get ready!!!!


For fun, a list of some notebooks that I think are pretty!!!! {affiliate links. Thank you, dears!!}

Your Style Notebook choices

Jonathan Adler notebook // Sweet Briar Notebooks // Make It Happen notebook //  Sugar Paper notebook  // Superstar notebook


Are you In???


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