Five FREE Ways to
Add Art & Beauty to your home, Now!
I recently shared Five Free things you can do now to create a Gorgeous Room. That post is a great place to start if you are on you are tired of waiting for your house to magically look pretty – and you are ready to make an instant change. There are so many great ideas there, and they are realistic.
Well, the next step, after creating a gorgeous room, is to add the details that really make a space wonderful. You know. The icing on the cake. The cherry on the Sunday.
I am here to tell you that this does not have to cost you a thing! {Not that buying things you LOVE is a crime! buy away when you are able! But in life, we need choices for all of our seasons.} Below is a list of several artful items that, when displayed in a lovely manner, can give your home that gorgeous, finished, designer feel. All of them – FREE!
1. FREE branches from your yard.
Or from the yard of a willing friend. Extra glorious if you can find a branch that is in bloom. A couple favorites of mine:
- Bare branches with sculptural form, like a curly willow in winter
- Budding branches
- Cherry blossom or Dogwood blossom branches {prune your tree + have pretty flowers = win win}
- Branches of magnolia leaves or other glossy leaves
- Force forsythia branches in the winter
- Pussy willow
- Holly branches in the winter
- Any bunch of green grasses or green bush. Perfect when cutting back a pretty weed.
but don’t be limited by those ideas. All of creation is beautiful! Bring it indoors!
Branch Inspiration
{via Lauren Liess, Domino}
{Architectural Digest, via Fieldstone Hill Design}
{via Elle Decor}
2. FREE Printable Art
Printable art is a great addition to your walls! I like this best interspersed between actual paintings, but printable art is a great starting place if you have zero art to speak of. Also, printable art is best when framed, but that too can wait if necessary.
Here are some great resources for adding FREE Printable art to your space:
- Maps are gorgeous when framed on the wall. Try these FREE maps.
- I ADORE these FREE botanical prints
- Fill your home with FREE and gorgeous Vintage prints. NY Public Library Digital Images
- Keep up with the Free Printables that Bloggers create and offer. Here and Here are some that I have shared. Also, I keep a Pin-board of Printables that are Free or Mostly Free.
- I like these frames.
Not free. But not pricey, and classy.
1. Save the file to a flash drive in the best quality storage option
2. Take the file to your local printer, and select the best quality paper available. This will cost just a little bit, and is optional, but it is a small amount that will make a HUGE difference in your “mostly” FREE art.
Printable Art Inspiration
{via Inspiration Display}
{via Inspiration Display}
3. FREE: Hang Your Plates
Hang groupings of plates on the wall. Use the pretty ones you own, but just sit in a drawer. FREE!
Plate hanging is so much easier than it used to be, thanks to these babies. So, go to town, and get those gorgeous plates out of your drawers and voila! art!
Plate Hanging Inspiration
{via Nesting Place}
{via Life in Grace}
{via The French Inspired Room}
4. FREE: Hang Your Stuff On The Wall
Do you have other groupings of Stuff? Things, just sitting in a drawer, that would look beautiful if hung on the wall? Antique baskets? old silver platters? straw hats? Select unique and artful collections, and hang them with symmetry. FREE!
I have already written a post about this, so you should hop over there: See THIS HUGE COLLECTION OF IDEAS for things you can hang on your wall. Maybe you already have some of these things clogging up a drawer or closet in your home! Time to make some free art!
Hang-Your-Stuff Inspiration {see tons more pics & ideas here}
A collection of hats + brass clocks = Stuff, hanging on the wall.
{via Country Living, design by Sarah Richardson}
5. Cut Flowers From Your Own Garden
Don’t forget the age old practice of keeping a Flower Cutting Garden, and then filling your home with the flowers… for free! Whenever something is in bloom! Because flowers are the PERFECT art. This Cutting Garden thing is something I have yet to do {I am not exactly in the season of life for heavy gardening. Parenting 3 littles, homeschooling, running 2+ businesses, etc. etc. are keeping me plenty overwhelmed, thank you very much.} But this IS on my dream list! I even have dream plans…. for someday.
How about you? Do you have a little plot where you could plant a cutting garden? Dream with me:
Cutting Garden Inspiration
{via Gardeners, Plant a cutting garden}
{via Victoria Elizabeth Barnes}
{via Inspiration Garden and Flowers}
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These are just a few ideas for ways to add beauty and art into your home. The fun part is that you can do these now. Today!And, now you have some very free tools, and hopefully the inspiration and motivation.
Free yourself of things you don’t need {head back to this post for the details on editing your space}, and add in other {free} decorative touches, and you will breathe more easily – and smile more often – in your beautiful, peaceful and orderly space!
MY GENEROUS BLOG SPONSOR (and why you should looky here):
This blog post is generously sponsored by my YL. My Young Living essential oils are also a passion of mine, and the oils are so well loved that they sponsor my blog!!! Thank you, friends! Enroll by clicking here. You will not regret it! You NEED these amazing bottles of life-loving oils (that don’t even COMPARE to the cheap-y stink oils) in your life!!
I am SUPER excited about the new Premium Starter Kit. You are going to LOVE it… unless you hate things that smell heavenly and make you smile. #spaliving #livewithbeauty #wellness #MyHouseSmellsLikeASpa
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