ditto-worthy designer :: nate berkus
Monday, September 8, 2014 by {darlene}

Ditto-Worthy Designer :: Nate Berkus

First of all, thank you so much for all of your sweet comments on Instagram, Facebook, and on my love-letter post on the special occasion of Georgia Luisa’s first birthday. We have had such a wonderful weekend, soaking in our baby girl, and just celebrating! Your sweet words about my baby darlin’ made it all the sweeter!

Today’s Ditto-worthy designer is Nate Berkus. Um….. heck yes.


{via Decoist}

Honestly? What has taken me so long to post about Nate? I love Nate’s style. Have for SO long. Mr. Nate is one of my top three favorite design inspirations {my other two? Tyler Dawson and Katie Ridder}, and I am thrilled to tell you why.

But first… one more teensy thing. In two weeks, I am hopefully going to have the opportunity to tell Mr. Berkus how amazeballs he is. Ya know. FACE TO FACE!!! {I am totally calm. totally calm…} THE. NATE. BERKUS. is the Panel Host at this year’s Stylemaker’s event with Better Homes and Gardens in NYC. And lil’ ol’ me is going to be there…. tripping him “accidentally” in the hallway…. meeting him and thanking him for his amazing and inspiring design aesthetic.

{P.S. Why ditto?? As you pour over the following rooms, keep in mind the following design concepts that I believe make his spaces SOOOOO ditto-worthy! And don’t forget to think about what YOU would ditto from these spaces!}

Nate Berkus‘s spaces are ditto-worthy because of:

  1. his ability to edit like a BOSS!
  2. his awesome and regular use of velvet.
  3. his gift at making his spaces breathable and fresh.
  4. his knack of making beautiful, masculine spaces that have just the right touch of feminine.
  5. Drapes!He hangs a mean and lovely drape in nearly every room. Man after my own heart.
  6. his ability to mix simplicity and posh.
  7. his love for gold, velvet, and architectural impact. Sound like anyone you know?
  8. his ability to create interest with form and texture {he does not use much pattern, with the exception of bold stripes or checkers here and there}.
  9. his skill for making the understated to ‘read’ as drama.
  10. his use of wood in design. Can’t think of anyone who can touch Nate’s skill at incorporating wood variety and wood paneling into a space without making it heavy at all.

Not only is he a genius with space and design, Nate also wrote an inspiring book, that sits on the top of my coffee table, reminding me to decorate with what I truly love. I definitely recommend it.

{click here to buy The Things That Matter
via Amazon. This is an affiliate link. Thank you, lovelies!!}

things that matter nate berkus

Oh, Nate. You had me at velvet.

Feast on his ditto-worthy talent:

nate berkus












{all images via Nate Berkus’s Portfolio}

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Which room is your favorite? Why?

What would you ditto?

Are you a huge Nate Berkus fan? Spill the beans.





Reminder!!! Today is the LAST day to enter the awesome Signature Style Giveaway!!! Go enter… quick! SUCH Gorgeous goodies to be had!!





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Take daily, bite-size steps toward living in a home you LOVE: Be sure to subscribe to FHD via emailbloglovin, your fave reader, and follow Fieldstone Hill on TwitterInstagram, and Facebook!

* * * * * 


I am into natural choices for my family, and this is the main way I avoided taking any medicines during pregnancy, and now our family is hooked. My Young Living essential oils are also my business, and the oils are so well loved that they sponsor my blog!!! Thank you, friends! Be sure to check out the July freebie for trying the oils with a wholesale Premium Kit. Enroll by clicking here.

This post is generously sponsored by my YL :

 Don’t miss a single post from Fieldstone Hill Design! Have regular decorating goodness delivered {free!} directly to your inbox.

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{This post contains affiliate links. Thank you so much  for reading and supporting FHD! }

Labeled: ditto-worthy designers | 3 Comments
one year ago {a little letter to my Lu}
Saturday, September 6, 2014 by {darlene}

She changed our world.

Our hearts are full today as we rejoice over Georgia Luisa’s First birthday. We are all aflutter with birthday preparations, but, early in this morning, all I want to do is stare at pictures of this special day… one year ago.










The verse that we picked for Georgia, before she was born, is this:

“When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers,
The moon and the stars, which You have ordained,
What is man that You are mindful of him?” – Psalm 8:3-4a

And I still wonder at that question. Each of us. So very small. Such a tiny part of this universe. Yet, so very cared for. So very loved. Chosen.

Georgia Luisa, you were chosen. You were knit. {Psalm 139}

You are so very cared for. You are so very loved.

Today, I am so thankful for “one year ago.”

And now, let the wild rumpus start. Happy first birthday, my precious one.





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I am into natural choices for my family, and this is the main way I avoided taking any medicines during pregnancy, and now our family is hooked. My Young Living essential oils are also my business, and the oils are so well loved that they sponsor my blog!!! Thank you, friends! Be sure to check out the August freebie for trying the oils with a wholesale Premium Kit. Enroll by clicking here.

This post is generously sponsored by my YL :

 Don’t miss a single post from Fieldstone Hill Design! Have regular decorating goodness delivered {free!} directly to your inbox.

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{This post contains affiliate links. Thank you so much  for reading and supporting FHD! }

Labeled: about me | 10 Comments
Signature Style Giveaway !
Friday, August 29, 2014 by {darlene}

Signature Style Giveaway

Carrie-Making-Lemonade-Series-Giveaway FINAL Coral

Identifying your own Signature Style is REALLY fun! I had a complete ball coming up with my own, unique Style Board. Just looking at it makes me happy. It serves as a tangible reminder of where I should focus my personal design decisions. And that makes it worth the effort.

Know what else is fun? Snooping at the posts of lots of fab designers and THEIR Signature Styles.

Know what else is REALLY fun? Winning some completely amazing goodies. For free. From fabulous retailers who GET the Signature Style thing. Lacefield Designs, Stella & Dot with Jennifer Oxenford, and Royal Design Studio get it. And they have goodies for FIVE of YOU!!!

You could win one of the following:

2 Pillows of your choice from Lacefield Designs

1 “How Does She Do It” Bag, winner picks pattern from Stella & Dot with Jennifer Oxenford

$100 Shopping Spree with Royal Design Studio


A GORG golden earring trio, courtesy of the Signature Style Series blog hop hostess, Carrie.

Just for fun, I threw together a few of my favorite items from these fabulous retailers… in my own Signature Style, of course! Seriously beautiful stuff.

FHD signature style giveaway


As you can see, there is A LOT OF GORGEOUSNESS to be had!!!!!

And this is directed at you, dear amazing sponsors: I would like to chat with you for a moment. Seriously. If you are reading this…. I want ALL those goodies on that board!M’kay? Let’s make it happen, shall we? *wink*

Enter the giveaway below, via Rafflecopter, between August 29 and Sept 8, 2014. This giveaway is open to the US and Canada. There are lots of ways to earn additional entries, which is SO worth it for this amazingness.

Break a Leg, Cross two fingers, and good luck!

And please share…. what are your favorites from these amazing companies? Which items speak to YOUR personal style?

And if you get those magenta pillows, DO NOT tell me about it. I might cry.

a Rafflecopter giveaway












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Take daily, bite-size steps toward living in a home you LOVE: Be sure to subscribe to FHD via emailbloglovin, your fave reader, and follow Fieldstone Hill on TwitterInstagram, and Facebook!

* * * * * 


I am into natural choices for my family, and this is the main way I avoided taking any medicines during pregnancy, and now our family is hooked. My Young Living essential oils are also my business, and the oils are so well loved that they sponsor my blog!!! Thank you, friends! Be sure to check out the August freebie for trying the oils with a wholesale Premium Kit. Enroll by clicking here.

This blog is generously sponsored by my YL :


 Don’t miss a single post from Fieldstone Hill Design! Have regular decorating goodness delivered {free!} directly to your inbox.

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{This post contains affiliate links. Thank you so much  for reading and supporting FHD! }

Labeled: defining your style, sponsor | 46 Comments
My Signature Style :: Glam Farmhouse
Tuesday, August 26, 2014 by {darlene}

My Signature Style :: Glam Farmhouse

I am participating in a SUPER FUN blog hop today, hosted by one of my precious friends, Carrie of Making Lemonade. {If you don’t know Carrie, your life is not complete. The first word that comes to mind when I think of her is SWEETHEART, but truly, even that word does not do her justice}. On top of being one of the most thoughtful people I know, Carrie is also super stylish and is a talented and inspiring blogger.

This blog hop, The Signature Style Series, features 22 bloggers, who will all be sharing a “magazine shot” of their own Signature Style.


If you have just arrived here from the talented Jennifer Rizzo {Hi Jen!!}, welcome! It is SO nice to have you here at Fieldstone Hill Design. I LOVE connecting with you lovely, stylish people.

I am Darlene, an interior designer and mom-who-wears-a-million-hats. If you hang out here, which I hope you will, you can expect to learn how to analyze a room like an interior designer, get rid of your decorating paralysisidentify your personal style with guts and confidence, and find inspiration from all of God’s creation so that you can #livewithbeauty in every, single, thing that you do.

And for those of you who know me, you know that I am VERY passionate about helping YOU define your own personal style. I believe you should really take the time out to think about what you truly love. And I even did a fun post and entire Pinterest board for my readers {you can still join in!} featuring THEIR Signature Style Boards. In fact, Carrie joined in and created her own board. So pretty. So when she invited me to join in on this series, I jumped in right away.

For this Signature Style series, I had fun this past weekend making my own Signature Style Mood Board. As you check it out, I hope you will think about this question:

“What would I put on my own board if I were to make one??”

Darlene Weir: My Signature Style

I chose my favorite room, my favorite fabrics line, my signature fragrance, a snapshot of my obsession with glam accessories, and my favorite color influences. I had to include flowers, because life without flowers is dull.

I am not a big believer in labels for one’s own style. In fact, I prefer to encourage my clients to think about style words that describe how they want their home to feel. But if I had to describe my Signature Style in one little phrase, then Glam Farmhouse it is. I hope you can appreciate the yin and the yang in those two words. Because life without contrast is also dull!

For fun, I thought I would add a “Shop The Post” Carousel, for the Glam Farmhouse look. Enjoy!

Don’t let the fun stop here! Be sure to head over to visit lovely Heather at Setting for Four and get a glimpse into her Signature Style!






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Take daily, bite-size steps toward living in a home you LOVE: Be sure to subscribe to FHD via emailbloglovin, your fave reader, and follow Fieldstone Hill on TwitterInstagram, and Facebook!

* * * * * 


I am into natural choices for my family, and this is the main way I avoided taking any medicines during pregnancy, and now our family is hooked. My Young Living essential oils are also my business, and the oils are so well loved that they sponsor my blog!!! Thank you, friends! Be sure to check out the August freebie for trying the oils with a wholesale Premium Kit. Enroll by clicking here.

This post is generously sponsored by my YL :

 Don’t miss a single post from Fieldstone Hill Design! Have regular decorating goodness delivered {free!} directly to your inbox.

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{This post contains affiliate links. Thank you so much  for reading and supporting FHD! }

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Labeled: about me, defining your style, living with beauty | 12 Comments