Happy New Year, dear friends in the Blog World!
I pray that all is well with you! 2016 was a crazy year for me, one where my head was just barely above water. We went from “one thing to the next,” all year long AND did a major first floor renovation (read: THIRD full time job) in the midst of it all. Renovations went from April until Thanksgiving, and BOY am I glad we are done! (—> Pics are coming. Won’t say when, because … under promise and over deliver!!)
I shared a bit about my New Year’s Resolution on Instagram recently, and I wanted to share it here with you as well, friend.
Because maybe, just maybe you are in the same boat. My sweet baby is three, and I am not fully out of the toddler and baby fog, but almost. When we have little littles, we are on call 24/7 as a food giver/maker and also an irrational toddler negotiator. Tough work, folks. A fleeting blessing, but tough. And even harder when you are a foxy mama of 41, homeschooling 2 emerging tween boys and running a kick butt leadership business. Phew…
2017, for this giving mama, is all about “Darlene” emerging again. Slowly. Surely. With the hope to UnderPromise and OverDeliver. I am starting to care for myself more intentionally.
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[A selfie I snapped before heading to an accountability “weigh in,” with my hot lemon water and my Fitness essential oil in hand! Look, even my nails are painted! No small feat for this mom!!]
Here is what I posted:
My New Year’s resolution? “Put my oxygen mask on first.” Those of you who fly a lot with kids know what I’m talking about: if there is a loss of pressure in the cabin, mama’s are supposed to put their oxygen mask on before they assist their children to put their masks on. That way, everyone has a better chance for survival.
Last year, everyone else came first. This year, I’m not trying to elevate myself above others, but I am looking at self-care as a matter of survival. Because the truth is, if I don’t put my oxygen mask on first, I am no help.
What does this look like for me? Well, in the last week I have said this a lot: “Sorry, honey. Mommy is eating her breakfast right now, I will help you when I am finished.” …or this one: “In 20 minutes, sweetie. When I am all finished with my workout.” In all honesty, I was not saying these basic things to my kiddos. When you have a newborn and a toddler, you sort of forget how to take care of yourself. I am re-emerging this year, and putting my own oxygen mask on first!
So, mama. You truly must carve out some time, or something for yourself!
Share with me!
What areas of YOUR life do you need
to be putting your Oxygen Mask on First??
January is the LAST MONTH, I am giving BACK $25 on your PSK when you sign up via my link!
This blog post is generously sponsored by my YL. My Young Living essential oils are also a serious passion of mine, and the oils are so well loved that they sponsor my blog!!! Thank you, friends! Enroll by clicking here. You will not regret it! You NEED NEED NEED these amazing bottles of life-loving oils (that don’t even COMPARE to the cheap-y stink oils) in your life!! Do not look back, jump in and join us, and find out WHY we feel empowered by these happy bottles.
I am SUPER excited about the new Premium Starter Kit. You are going to LOVE it… unless, of course, you hate things that smell heavenly and make you smile. #spaliving #livewithbeauty #wellness #MyHouseSmellsLikeASpa
Questions? Because I know you are curious!! Head here:
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