Houzz loving
Tuesday, May 8, 2012 by {darlene}

How exciting! Our well-loved and well-lived-in home, Fieldstone Hill, has been featured on Houzz.com. I hope that you will hop over to check out our humble little tour.

{click on the image below, or here, to see the article}

A special thank you to Amy Renea of Allenaim Photography for taking the photos and submitting the article.

Sooo……. I am new to Houzz, and just learning as I go. You can find my Houzz page here. But you can tell I am a newbie.

So do any of you use Houzz.com?

If so, I would LOVE to hear your thoughts on using houzz.com as a resource, or for design inspiration.

Any tips for how to use it effectively?



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  • Congrats, that is awesome! I am surprised I didn’t recognize your tour, cause’ I get all the Houzz updates via email. I love Houzz for great design ideas, paint choices, latest furniture…and the list goes on. I have a Houzz account where you save your favorites, but I find myself pinning from there more and more. Your tour is awesome!

  • I loved the house tour, Darlene. Houzz is my go-to for browsing by style or room. When a client says “I want a white kitchen” but has no other specifications, or they can’t put their finger on their design style. I show them several pictures from Houzz and they can say, “hey, that’s exactly what I’m looking for”. Looking forward to what you do on Houzz!

  • Houzz is awesome! I just love all the great inspiration, and quality images, and great articles they offer. I’m hoping to submit an article to them in a few months.

  • Congratulations! Yes, I use Houzz (and will look for yours). It is very user friendly and you can find great resources there.

  • Congratulations on having your lovely home featured, and I frequently find inspiration and good information on the Houzz website.

  • You and your mom are both so beautiful, Darlene! Happy Birthday to her!

  • Darlene, Congrats!! Your home is so lovely!! I have not Visited the Houzz website often enough!! See, I would have missed out on this!
    I would love any good tips as well!

    I have a feature Interview on my site with Tina from The Enchanted Home…


    Art by Karena

  • Congratulations! You have a beautiful house!
    Um..haven’t followed houzz – need to now!

  • Congrats!!! I love the photos–everything looks stunning. I’ve gotten scores of ideas from houzz. My idea book is way too big there. Love seeing your gorgeous fieldstone. I think I forgot you are in PA. I went to college out at grove city, but you are probably a ways from there : )

  • Thank you for having the strenght to speak your truth. Your family, your values are more important than what anyone out their in blogland might think.

    I happen to think your spare look is incredibly beautiful and oh so practical for a family who lives in the country.

    I was initially attracked to your Houz story because of your homes style and esp the stone. Stone speaks to me.

    I own a 1940’s Indiana Limestone home in the country in rural Michigan off of a dirt road. We have two large dogs, chickens, vegetable gardens, grand children and an outdoor lifestyle. Many of my decorating decisions are made with “practicality” in mind. So, I “get it.”

    True country living is a different lifestyle choice than the lifestyle of the rich and famous Hollywood or Wysteria Lane.”

    I think your home is beautiful, it’s one that will stay with me for a very long time and is obviously apropriate for you and your family. In the end, isn’t that all that matters?

    I look forward to following your blog.

    Small House / Big Sky Donna

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