for a song :: chinoiserie treasures
Thursday, August 4, 2011 by {darlene}

I am definitely a Craigslist fan.
First of all, my favorite furnishings are almost exclusively “vintage.” I find older furniture to be more soundly made, and I just love the smaller, thinner lines that good, ol’ furniture has. Therefore, I often turn
to Craigslist, waiting for the perfect piece to come my way.
Like the dreamy beds I scored last Fall.
Well, once again, Craigslist ‘delivered.’ Big time.
Here is a picture of the listing that sent me into emergency “must-have” mode.

aren’t they dreamy?

I immediately saw them as Darlings of the current chinoiserie reign {chinoiserie is a French word, meaning: chinese-like}. These Darlings are not that far off from the darlings below:
This beauty from Williams and Sonoma Home; $750. Each:
Or this gorgeous armchair from  Somerset Bay; Approximately $1,320.00 . Each.  
Or this much-admired, chinoiserie armchair by Bungalow 5. Approx. $740.00. Each.
And mine???
{you had better believe they are mine! I high-tailed it out of my house to pick those lovelies up a.s.a.p.}
$30 for both. Oh yes.
I am in love.

I’m thinking that magenta silk-velvet cushions are in their future.
What was your latest score on Craigslist?
And do tell: Do you have your local Craigslist furnishings page as your Home page, {ahem. Like moi.}?
– {darlene}

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Labeled: for a song


  • We scored a Duncan-Fife table with 4 chairs, 2 arm chairs, 3 leaves and a buffet for $100 2 years ago. The only date we can find on it is a Federal Regulation tag from 1929! The chairs need some work, but we needed a solid table, the buffet was a bonus.

  • I never thought to put Craigslist as my homepage. That might be very dangerous!! I have found real wood bookcases for a steal (they need to be repainted, but alas, that is not for me right now) and our daughter's bedroom set for a song. I am with you – vintage is better made and classic. Ethan Allen real pine boys bedroom desk, love it. But you have the eye for gorgeous stuff. Your twins up there are stunning!

    xoxo michele

  • DAR, just as a side-note, while scanning craigslist and all the not-so-beautiful stuff you have to scroll through, have you ever wanted to start a blog called "Crap on Craigslist?" Or is that just me? 😉

    xoxo michele

  • Darlene I must start using Craigslist ( a tad envious here!) I adore your new chairs, perfect and I can picture the magenta cushions on them!!


    Art by Karena

  • CL is my very best friend for buying and selling. I haven't scored anything recently but am on the hunt for IKEA Ektorp couch or chair.

  • Jen - Balancing Beauty and Bedlam

    GIRL – you SO Scored with those. Can't wait to see what you do with them.

  • allenaim photography and design

    oh magenta would be FABULOUS!!!! Silk?!?

  • What a great find! Love the chairs. And yes, I am a Craiglist junkie, too!

  • Popped over from Home Stories. You have a beautiful blog and I loved touring around your home!
    Your newest follower,
    Jenn 🙂

  • GREAT find! i love all the loopy detail. thanks for sharing them, i can't wait to see what you do with the cushions! the caning looks perfect too. xo

  • Nothing from Craig's List but I do have a precious little Goodwill chair that I played with. I am following you and can't wait to see how your Craig's List treasures turn out. Come see me at Shabby Friends.

  • Please oh please, what search term did you use to find those?!? I've been searching for those chairs 4-eva. I've never scored anything on Craigslist, but once got an entire set of vintage Wedgwood Edme china for $17. It retails for 400+!

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