Tuesday, May 14, 2013 by {darlene}
On my birthday today, I wanted to dwell on the beauty around me. The beauty that already exists. The beauty I sometimes miss. And the beauty that makes living all the richer. I am filled with joy today. And thankful. { this is beautiful } Source: revel-blog.com via darlene weir on Pinterest Source: chic-magnolia.tumblr.com […]
Wednesday, May 8, 2013 by {darlene}
So many of you had FUN hopping all around blogland and checking out the awesome Painted Trays that launched our first {ditto} DIY. Isn’t it awesome to see everyone’s creative ideas and design interpretations? I love the idea of painted trays for so many reasons {read why in this post. Then get yourself a tray to paint!}, […]
Thursday, May 2, 2013 by {darlene}
Images of :: Pool Dreaming Maybe it is because I am about to face a looooooong, pregnant summer. Maybe it is because my boys ask me for one every other day. Maybe it is because I am losing my marbles… But lately, I have been pool dreaming: Source: tumblr.com via darlene weir on Pinterest […]
Friday, April 26, 2013 by {darlene}
For those of you who hang with me over at Pinterest, I am sorry. I have been flooding your feed with girly girl Fuchsia and Red inspired fabrics. The best I can hope for is that: 1. You really love Fuchsia and Red, so you don’t mind. 2. You are just so tickled that I […]