Thursday, December 31, 2015 by {darlene}
The 3000 Thing Challenge Do you own stuff? Or does your stuff own you? Join me in the 3000 Thing Challenge! Every once in a while, I get so tired of it, I could scream. Stuff takes OVER. And you have heard me say here before that “You cannot have a beautiful space if it […]
Monday, May 11, 2015 by {darlene}
overcoming paralysis. * * * I dedicate this post to myself, for my 40th birthday this week. And I am speaking to my 25 year old self, and my 30 year old self, and to my 39 and 362day year old self. * * * {for me} There is only one way to climb out […]
Thursday, December 4, 2014 by {darlene}
Permission to not change a thing in your home This post is a part of the popular series, Overcoming Decorating Paralysis. * * * I find myself in a challenging spot these days as it relates to all things home and all things interior design and …. actually, all sorts of other things. And it has […]
Wednesday, April 2, 2014 by {darlene}
What Attitude do you have toward your home? {this post is part of the series Overcoming Decorating Paralysis} * * * If you have a home, or a roof over your head, you are blessed. And yet……if you are human… you sometimes struggle with taking your blessings for granted! For me, I know – with […]