Thursday, September 5, 2013 by {darlene}
Bébé bébé bébé Nursery {preggers update: I wrote this post on Monday, and then set to post today. My due date was Sept. 3rd, so I’m being optimistic that girly girl would come On-Time-Ish. Know that if you have NOT seen a post about the birth of my sweet little girl, I am VERY VERY cranky. […]
Thursday, August 29, 2013 by {darlene}
Bébé bébé bébé Nursery {preggers update: ONE WEEK!!! gulp. I am due in less than a week!! Did you read the little letter I wrote to my baby girl??} Thursdays is the day for the Bébé bébé bébé Nursery series here at FHD: featuring Girl Nurseries designed by some of the most gifted designers and creative decor […]
Thursday, August 22, 2013 by {darlene}
Bébé bébé bébé Nursery {preggers update: 2 weeks until my due date. So basically, my bags are packed, people! For the very rare preggo picture updates, follow me on Instagram} Thursdays is the day for the Bébé bébé bébé Nursery series here at FHD: featuring Girl Nurseries designed by some of the most gifted designers and […]
Thursday, August 15, 2013 by {darlene}
Bébé bébé bébé Nursery {preggers update: Can you even believe it? 3 weeks left! Folks, I look like a house. Yes, indeed.} Thursdays is the day for the Bébé bébé bébé Nursery series here at FHD: featuring Girl Nurseries designed by some of the most gifted designers and creative decor bloggers from around the web. {Need […]