Monday, October 27, 2014 by {darlene}
31 Days of Favorite Spaces: Day 27 {part of the 31 Days Challenge} Favorite Fabric and Architecture: {via Manuel Canovas, his AMAZING fabric line} My Because: This fabric line! It is amazing… as in, it makes me sing!// Chalky gray walls// Stunning architectural detail // Herringbone floors// Larger than life mirror, set into the moulding […]
Sunday, October 26, 2014 by {darlene}
31 Days of Favorite Spaces: Day 26 {part of the 31 Days Challenge} A Favorite Occasional Room: {via Inspiration Color} My Because: The color scheme: olive gorgeousness everywhere, with splashes of bright yellow and the turquoise walls// A chandelier centers the room// Comfy window seats// Plenty of seats and plenty of books// Tons of art […]
Saturday, October 25, 2014 by {darlene}
31 Days of Favorite Spaces: Day 25 {part of the 31 Days Challenge} Favorite Bedroom Pretties: {via Inspiration Bedrooms} My Because: I am not in LOVE with this overall room, but I do love so many of the pretty little details. In a favorite sort of way: The fur throw on the end of the […]
Friday, October 24, 2014 by {darlene}
31 Days of Favorite Spaces: Day 24 {part of the 31 Days Challenge} A Favorite ‘Different Kitchen’ Space : {via Stephen Gambrel} My Because: It seems like all kitchens look the same these days. Not this one. An amazing and different space!// BLACK subway tile. How about it?// That floor is beyond stunning.// I spy a […]