thought :: one great room
Tuesday, January 11, 2011 by {darlene}

“It is far more important to have three rooms that are beautifully done and beautifully run than to have ten or twenty that are dreary and neglected.”Billy Baldwin

{house beautiful}

When we create our family’s home improvement goals, we usually select just one or two rooms that we plan on making more purposeful and more beautiful. This year, we are hoping for two: the boys’ room and the school room.

Now that the shell of our home has been restored and renovated, I find myself looking around at many rooms that are not exactly beautiful, and definitely not finished. Rather, they are filled with promise and potential. I am okay with not getting it all done – especially not overnight. After all, to be content is more important and lofty a goal than to have a beautiful home.

And that is exactly why I love this thought from the famous interior decorator, Billy Baldwin. And that is exactly why I plan on tackling the beautification of our home, one room at a time. For, no matter how frustrated I may be with our kitchen, I can always walk up the stairs and look at our peaceful, organized, beautiful, and {nearly} finished Master Bedroom, {What exactly is ‘finished’ anyway?}. And with even just one beautiful room, or just one beautiful view, we can have room to breathe. Room to think. Room to pray. Room to dream. Room to be. Room to focus on what is important, instead of focusing on the disarray that seems to shout loudly.

With each passing year, we will add more beautifully done and beautifully run spaces to our home. Slow and steady wins the race. One room at a time.
– {darlene}

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Labeled: beautiful thoughts


  • I love the idea of completing one space before moving onto the next. The hardest part with this plan for me is staying focused. It is so easy to get sidetracked!

  • I think it's great to take things slow. I have learned the house is evolving all the time. And because I do most of my redecorating second hand, the design evolves that way with it.

  • Agree Completely Darlene this is the year for my office/den space!!

    Also, I have a Great New Giveaway from Blydesign! Come and enter!

    Art by Karena

  • allenaim photography and design

    that phrase "room to breathe" is exactly it. Sometimes the ONLY place serene is the dining room. It is enough when everything is crazy just to look at that ONE organized, clean place when the rest of the house is a tornado. It changes though…to whatever room I just got "perfect". The boys have to stay out for at least 2 hours 🙂 …and I know you are writing more about design…but I just read that phrase "room to BREATHE" and had to comment 🙂

    I cannot wait until HGTV finds your blog 🙂

  • One room at a time….that's kind of what I'm trying to do! Our downstairs is (fairly) done so I like to hang out down there quite a bit!! I can definitely breathe better down there!!
    Enjoyed your post!

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