beauty tip :: cram a sock in it {or how to stretch your shoes, drusilla}
Friday, October 12, 2012 by {darlene}

This is the simplest of posts, because I want to share the simplest of tips with you today:

sock in it

You know… Drusilla…. one of the ugly stepsisters??  I’d like to think I am still Cinderella, but truly, I no longer fit into ALL of my glass slippers.

And, by any chance, do you have shoes that are too small for you now {a not-so-wonderful-fact: our feet usually spread out as we age }?

Might I suggest that, if you have shoes that pinch a bit, you cram a sock into them?

Yes. Brilliant. I know. Cram a sock in it.

But it really does work.

sock in it

Cram those big ol’ socks in.

Cram them in very tightly.

And if they don’t stay put, cram some unsharpened pencils in to hold the socks in place. One pencil end at the inside-heel, one end on the sock.

And then leave them in your closet for a while. A long while {not an exact art, but I am thinking a month+, at least}.

sock in it

Then, voila!

Those shoes you bought in Italy before you birthed 2 children will actually fit again.

sock in it

 Which is cause for the happy dance. Don’tcha think??



 * * * *

Calling all shoe lovers, check out ShoeDazzle:

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  • Great suggestion…but, honeychile, you are so going to need a podiatrist someday. My sweet mama used to say, “If your feet hurt, you hurt all ovah!” and she was SO right! I speak from experience. Throw out the high heels and the pointed toes! BTW, have you seen pictures of Duchess Kate’s feet? She looks so darling in her heels but i can tell from the shape of her feet, she already has bunions!

  • I’m going to try this. Ginger’s mama is right. I used to suffer to look good, but since discovering comfortable shoes, the heels look less and less appealing. lol

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