fabric crush // manuel canovas
Tuesday, April 22, 2014 by {darlene}

It is rare that an entire fabric line makes me gasp with delight.

But, Manuel. You are a genius.

A gutsy, colorful, pattern-filled, fuchsia-loving genius.

Feast your design savvy eyes on this, my friends:

fabric crush: manuel canovas via @fieldstonehill

fabric crush: manuel canovas via @fieldstonehill

fabric crush: manuel canovas via @fieldstonehill

fabric crush: manuel canovas via @fieldstonehill

fabric crush: manuel canovas via @fieldstonehill

fabric crush: manuel canovas via @fieldstonehill

fabric crush: manuel canovas via @fieldstonehill

fabric crush: manuel canovas via @fieldstonehill

fabric crush: manuel canovas via @fieldstonehill

fabric crush: manuel canovas via @fieldstonehill

fabric crush: manuel canovas via @fieldstonehill



canovas 8



fabric crush: manuel canovas via @fieldstonehill

fabric crush: manuel canovas via @fieldstonehill

fabric crush: manuel canovas via @fieldstonehill

I mean, holy crap-a-noly! I am in LOVE with these fabrics.

And at the top of my list is that horse fabric  {“Dara” in turquoise. Named after me, of course.}… which is, in my opinion, the long awaited replacement for Shumacher’s Chiang Mai. Bring it.

For names and details on these fabrics, check out the current collection at ManuelCanovas.com. And ya’ll. I received no fabric in exchange for this gushing recommendation and post…. but you had better believe that I wish I had!!! Ya hear that, Manuel??

Which is your favorite, my brilliant friends?


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