The Master Designer Manifesto

Find the Master Designer Manifesto in The Nester’s amazing book: The Nesting Place; It Doesn’t Have To Be Perfect To Be Beautiful
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If this is your design manifesto, please join me in sharing that you are a Master Designer. Some ideas:
1. Share this page or the graphic as you wish. As always, I treasure your link-back as credit.
2. Feel free to place a Master Designer button on your site {found at the bottom of the page}, or simply create a text link in your sidebar or footer that links back to this page. Suggested text: “{I am a} Master Designer”
3. use the hashtag #masterdesigner when referring to a glorious display of God’s beauty
4. Share a blog post, with your own thoughts about Master Designer. As always, I treasure your link-back as credit. Feel free to use the graphic above
5. Insert a button on your website:
1. Am I a Master Designer? If you design or create anything, and you share this belief about design, then you are a Master Designer! 2. Can I put the button anywhere on my blog? Yes, almost anywhere! It can be all the way front and center, and all the way at the bitty bottom. It would be wonderful if the button could sit somewhere on your home screen, to help others learn about the manifesto. Thanks! 4. Can I do a blog post about this opportunity? Yes! and Please do!! And Thank you SO much. Please help me share this manifesto with others who long for a graceful way to share their faith on their creative blog and/or design blog. I appreciate you crediting me and using my graphic, and as always, link-backs are very appreciated.